Getting Started

How to run a Mainnet wallet node

The wallet node is built on MASS full node with mining functionality removed. There are two ways to run a wallet node: use the GUI client or binary file.

To run a wallet node using GUI client:

  1. Make sure your PC is 64-bit and have at least 2GB of free local storage space for saving data.
  2. Download the latest wallet client(Mac or Windows) from website.
  3. Run the downloaded file to install client.
  4. Launch the client from Launchpad(Mac) or Start menu(Windows).

To run a wallet node using binary file:

  1. Make sure your PC is 64-bit and have at least 2GB of free local storage space for saving data.
  2. Download the appropriate wallet binary archive for your OS from website. (替换为 binary 下载地址)
  3. Extract the downloaded file to any folder. E.g. c:\mass on Windows or ~/Documents/mass on Mac. extract on mac
  4. Open a Terminal(Mac) or Command Prompt(Windows), then enter the folder mentioned in previous step.

On Mac:

You could 1) either open your Applications folder, then open Utilities and double-click on Terminal, or 2) press Command - spacebar to launch Spotlight and type "Terminal," then double-click the search result.

bash cd ~/Documents/mass

On Windows:

You can press the Shift key and right-click on the folder to open a PowerShell window directly to that folder.

  1. Run the binary ./masswallet-x.x.x Note: do not delete or rename the config.json file in the same directory as the binary.

How to create a wallet

Using GUI client:

Step 1. Assume you’re first running this client, you’ll see such a UI.

create wallet

Also, you can switch to it through menu bar.

create wallet

Step 2. Enter your password and remarks.

  • password is required. It must be 6 to 40 characters and can contain following characters:

  • Lowercase {a-z}

  • Uppercase {A-Z}
  • Numbers {0-9}
  • Others {@#$%^&}

  • remarks is optional. It will be shown on the top of UI,giving you an easier way to identify the wallet.


Step 3. Click Create wallet button to finish. Also you’ll see a pop-up with mnemonic,


Using CLI:

Step 1. Assume you have started a binary wallet node.

Step 2. Run masswallet-cli(Mac) or masswallet-cli.exe(Windows) command in the folder where you extract archive.

If failed, an error message will be returned.

  • On Mac:

./masswallet-cli createwallet

  • On Windows:

./masswallet-cli.exe createwallet

For more useful commands, try:

`./masswallet-cli -h` or `./masswallet-cli.exe -h`

How to create a new address

Using GUI:

Step 1. Switch to My Wallet page.

Step 2. Click Create button in address panel. Finish.

The new created address will be listed in address panel.

new address

Using CLI:

Step 1. Assume you have started a binary wallet node.

Step 2. Choose a target wallet to create new address. If failed, an error message will be returned.

  • On Mac: ./masswallet-cli usewallet

  • On Windows: ./masswallet-cli.exe usewallet

Step 3. Create address. If failed, an error message will be returned.

  • On Mac: ./masswallet-cli createaddress 0

  • On Windows: ./masswallet-cli.exe createaddress 0

How to send a transaction

Using GUI:

Step 1. Switch to Transfer page.


Step 2. Choose a From(payer) address. Also you can use Build automatically option, that means the MASS paid may come from any address of current wallet.

Step 3. Type or paste a To(payee) address.

Step 4. Set the paid Amount, up to 8 decimal places.

Step 5. Optionally, set a Fee. No less than the minimum charge(default fee).

Step 6. Click Transfer button, then you’ll be asked for the password. Done.

Using CLI:

Using CLI to send a transaction is much more complicated.

Step 1. Assume you have chosen(usewallet called) a target wallet.

Step 2. Construct your transaction.

  • On Mac

./masswallet-cli autocreaterawtransaction [from=?]


  • On Windows

./masswallet-cli.exe autocreaterawtransaction [from=?]

Step 3. Sign the transaction created in previous step.

  • On Mac

./masswallet-cli signrawtransaction



  • On Windows:

./masswallet-cli.exe signrawtransaction

Step 4. Send the signed transaction. Done.

  • On Mac

./masswallet-cli sendrawtransaction

How to look up a transaction

Using GUI:

Step 1. Switch to Transaction page.

look up

Step 2. Type the transaction ID.

Step 3. Click Search button. Done.

Using CLI:

Step 1. Assume you have started a binary wallet node.

Step 2. Execute the command below.

● On Mac:

./masswallet-cli getrawtransaction <txid>

look up

● On Windows:

./masswallet-cli.exe getrawtransaction <txid>

How to create a Mainnet full node miner

Step 1: Download MassNet Miner Full Node for your platform from here.

  • You will get an executable named massminerd and a JSON file named config.json within an archived file. Currently we provide pre-built miner full node for Windows/Linux/macOS.

  • massminerd (or massminerd.exe) is the executable for miner full node that requires the config file config.json to start up.

Step 2: Move massminerd and config.json into an empty directory:

  • The recommended directory is C:\massminer on Windows, and ~/massminer on Linux/macOS.

  • The following instructions are performed on the recommended directory.

Step 3: Open config.json in a text editor, you will see items like this:

    "app": {
        "pub_password": "public-password"
    "network": {
        "p2p": {
            "seeds": "",
            "listen_address": "tcp://",
        "api": {
            "api_port_grpc": "9685",
            "api_port_http": "9686",
    "log": {
        "log_level": "info",
        "disable_cprint": false
    "miner": {
        "mining_addr": [],
        "generate": false,
        "proof_dir": [],
        "proof_list": "",
        "private_password": "private-password"

Edit config.json following the reference table below.

Name Type Usage Must Modify
app.pub_password string public password to unlock MASS Miner Full Node Yes
network.p2p.seeds string addresses of bootstrap nodes No
network.p2p.listen_address string listening address No
network.api.api_port_grpc string api grpc listening port No
network.api.api_port_http string api http listening port No
log.log_level string log level of "debug", "info", "warn", "error" No
log.disable_cprint bool do not print log to stdout No
miner.private_password string private password to unlock miner keystore Yes

In most cases, you need to edit app.pub_password and miner.private_password in this step.

To learn more about config usages of miner, see How to initialize hard disk space.

Tips: Never forget your pub_password and private_password, or you may lose the controllability to your miner node.

How to initialize hard disk space

There are two ways to initialize your hard disk space: modifying config file or calling APIs.

Modifying config file

Step 1: Modify config.json as the table shown below.

Name Type Usage Must Modify
miner.mining_addr []string a alice of mining payout addresses Yes
miner.generate bool execute plotting and mining Yes
miner.proof_dir []string directories for storing MassDBs Yes
miner.proof_list string numbers of MassDBs with corresponding BitLength Yes
  • get mining payout addresses by Creating MassNet Wallet.

  • miner would index MassDBs in directories of proof_dir, and plot new MassDBs in the first directory.

  • proof_list unmarshal string as the format "<BL>:<Count>,<BL>:<Count>". For example, if you want 3 spaces of BitLength = 24, 4 spaces of BitLength= 26, and 5 spaces of BitLength = 28, then you should write "24:3, 26:4, 28:5". Besides, duplicate BitLength would be added together, which means "24:1, 24:2, 26:5" is equal to "24:3, 26:5".

Step 2: Run Miner Full Node in command line.

  • Windows
  • Open cmd, run cd C:\massminer to enter program directory.
  • Run massminerd.exe -P <private-password>, private password is the same as miner.priavte_password in config file.

  • Linux/macOS

  • Open cmd, run cd ~/massminer to enter program directory.
  • Run ./massminerd -P <private-password>, private password is the same as miner.priavte_password in config file.

Calling APIs

Step 1: Run Miner Full Node in command line.

  • Windows
  • Open cmd, run cd C:\massminer to enter program directory.
  • Run massminerd.exe -P <private-password>, private password is the same as miner.priavte_password in config file.

  • Linux/macOS

  • Open cmd, run cd ~/massminer to enter program directory.
  • Run ./massminerd -P <private-password>, private password is the same as miner.priavte_password in config file.

Step 2: Call HTTP API to initialize hard disk by disk size.

Send POST request to localhost:9686/v1/spaces with JSON body:

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
capacity int required overall mining disk size represented by MiB
payout_addresses []string required array of payout addresses None
passphrase string required passphrase to unlock wallet same as what -P argument set
  • capacity is the total hard disk size to initialize, represented in MiB.

  • get payout_addresses by Creating MassNet Wallet.

  • passphrase is the same as miner.private_password in config file.

An example JSON looks like this:

    "capacity": 400,
    "payout_addresses": ["ms1qq7xrd32awhvaj9lkgn6tzm2n76gcu5zglxguzyu3kxrs9pz7tk32qvw70ky"],
    "passphrase": "123456"

Check the result of initialization

Call HTTP API to ensure that hard disk has been successfully initialized. Send GET request to localhost:9686/v1/spaces, you may see response like this.

    "space_count": 2,
    "spaces": [
            "ordinal": "0",
            "public_key": "02905d92f83d1519fa4f9b9e8bf2b91361438eeb7d74223c3f0371460e62cfa441",
            "address": "165xgckgUQym6wvmtn8adXnpsQcZhPJ2pV",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
            "ordinal": "1",
            "public_key": "0325f91597e68f0427300ad35b40dc91373b9c3264a745f25908cb5ceb12a96be4",
            "address": "1EjyGZLJnrHDkDT6A54XzsQNRoXsMLVSiM",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""

If space_count is not the total number of spaces you expected, or you can not get response like this, then you may have something wrong.

To Learn more detailed explanation of this API, see ConfigureCapacity.

In general, modifying config file offers you more customization options, and Calling APIs saves your time by calculating solutions automatically.

How to compile MASS Full Node Miner from source code

Install Golang 1.11 or newer.

Download MassNet Miner Full Node source code from here and follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Clone source code to $GOPATH/src/, then enter the project directory cd $GOPATH/src/

Step 2: Build the program.

  • Windows: Set environment variable GO111MODULE="off" if your Golang version is newer than 1.11, then run go build -o bin\masswallet.exe.

  • Linux/macOS: Run make build.

An executable massminerd (or massminerd.exe) should be generated in $GOPATH/src/

Full Node Miner API


GET /v1/client/state

It is to get the state of current MASS Miner Client.



  • String - version, version of current MASS Miner Client
  • Boolean - peer_listening, is listening peer or not
  • Boolean - syncing, is syncing blocks with peers or not
  • Boolean - mining, is mining new blocks or not
  • Boolean - space_keeping, is SpaceKeeper running or not
  • String - chain_id, chain_id of the blockchain
  • Integer - local_best_height
  • Integer - known_best_height
  • String - p2p_id
  • Object - peer_count, count of peers
  • Integer - total
  • Integer - outbound
  • Integer - inbound
  • Object - peers, peer infos
  • Array of Object - outbound, infos of outbound peers
    • String - id, p2p id
    • String - address, ip address
    • String - direction, outbound
  • Array of Object - inbound, infos of inbound peers
    • String - id, p2p id
    • String - address, ip address
    • String - direction, inbound
  • Array of Object - other, infos of other(maybe dialing) peers
    • String - id, p2p id
    • String - address, ip address
    • String - direction
    "version": "1.0.0+61248729",
    "peer_listening": true,
    "syncing": false,
    "mining": false,
    "space_keeping": false,
    "chain_id": "5433524b370b149007ba1d06225b5d8e53137a041869834cff5860b02bebc5c7",
    "local_best_height": "192000",
    "known_best_height": "192000",
    "p2p_id": "2E8B3F2C926F491E85B048705B3BBB33F7429F9E4CFC52AAD37598281E33D58C",
    "peer_count": {
        "total": 5,
        "outbound": 5,
        "inbound": 0
    "peers": {
        "outbound": [
                "id": "4C321F5FD1E274A68FC13DA078B0C04B9059E6843505A7D33FE1B42F56715D65",
                "address": "",
                "direction": "outbound"
                "id": "61258089AC8AB407D094D9E1E45A168383A611F6A739A7361E8B55BF46618C94",
                "address": "",
                "direction": "outbound"
                "id": "012C69A46122A1292D4BE87E120E6C6F1EB7E77F9E3ECEA5540E2D5B14AC776D",
                "address": "",
                "direction": "outbound"
                "id": "42651DC7A0BB9D524B6D8D0E46167891395F44E7705D2EAFBDC60B541272D25E",
                "address": "",
                "direction": "outbound"
                "id": "FC62D88E9CD3BC967486C4209ED1FC59C2A34C95913ADFCA75BD7A592A7B5001",
                "address": "",
                "direction": "outbound"
        "inbound": [],
        "other": []


GET /v1/blocks/best

It is to get the best block of current node.



  • String - hash
  • Integer - height
    "height": "192000",
    "hash": "b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432"


GET /v1/blocks/{hash}

It is to get block data by block hash.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
hash string required block hash
##### Returns
- String - hash
- String - chain_id
- Integer - version
- Integer - height
- Integer - confirmations
- Integer - time
- String - previous_hash
- String - next_hash
- String - transaction_root
- String - witness_root
- String - proposal_root
- String - target
- String - quality
- String - challenge
- String - public_key
- Object - proof
- String - x
- String - x_prime
- Integer - bit_length
- Object - block_signature
- String - r
- String - s
- Array of String - ban_list
- Object - proposal_area
- Array of Object - punishment_area
- Integer - version
- Integer - proposal_type
- String - public_key
- Array of Object - testimony
- String - hash
- String - chain_id
- Integer - version
- Integer - height
- Integer - time
- String - previous_hash
- String - transaction_root
- String - witness_root
- String - proposal_root
- String - target
- String - challenge
- String - public_key
- Object - proof
- String - x
- String - x_prime
- Integer - bit_length
- Object - block_signature
- String - r
- String - s
- Array of String - ban_list
- Array of Object - other_area
- Integer - version
- Integer - proposal_type
- String - data
- Array of String - tx
- Array of object - raw_tx
- String - txid
- Integer - version
- Integer - lock_time
- Object - block
- Integer - height
- String - block_hash
- Integer - timestamp
- Array of Object - vin
- String - txid
- Integer - vout
- Integer - sequence
- Array of String - witness
- Array of Object - vout
- String - value
- Integer - n
- Object - script_public_key
- String - asm
- String - hex
- Integer - req_sigs
- String - type
- Integer - frozen_period
- String - reward_address
- Array of String - addresses
- Array of String - from_address
- Array of Object - to
- Array of String - address
- String - value
- Array of Object - inputs
- String - txid
- Integer - index
- Array of String - address
- String - value
- String - payload
- Integer - confirmations
- Integer - size
- String - fee
- Integer - status
- Integer - type
- Integer - size
- String - time_utc
- Integer - tx_count
##### Example
$ curl localhost:9686/v1/blocks/b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432
    "hash": "b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432",
    "chain_id": "5433524b370b149007ba1d06225b5d8e53137a041869834cff5860b02bebc5c7",
    "version": "1",
    "height": "192000",
    "confirmations": "4204",
    "time": "1575078576",
    "previous_hash": "9a1b91850598b397c36be4cb34a99c183812ce05a8c3c6afdf244f654d738422",
    "next_hash": "772220d2dfca2d319f1699ded69a634458ca987c343f4ed8a73c1d05f74c6357",
    "transaction_root": "965f0c473adca41416436906a4af88708fe454382deef128139b006576882bd9",
    "witness_root": "965f0c473adca41416436906a4af88708fe454382deef128139b006576882bd9",
    "proposal_root": "9663440551fdcd6ada50b1fa1b0003d19bc7944955820b54ab569eb9a7ab7999",
    "target": "900151a5dfab34",
    "quality": "9ba22b427ac198",
    "challenge": "2b71e099dc30234bf86aefe06ba92cf91c6cc1c1557debd453017c5159fcaf08",
    "public_key": "023ae4379095eed46d30503384a8624ae7dc31cc361865b1ef6154e1fb6ceb284b",
    "proof": {
        "x": "79c8525f",
        "x_prime": "425d779f",
        "bit_length": 32
    "block_signature": {
        "r": "f1dec9ce034fde28906e07bc3539dad633c0347f69c6f19b85685db2ee31202c",
        "s": "68590736858f9df3318c112e3a59a896a9abd6a3f49387776bf826b2af1b62d1"
    "ban_list": [],
    "proposal_area": {
        "punishment_area": [],
        "other_area": []
    "tx": [],
    "raw_tx": [
            "txid": "965f0c473adca41416436906a4af88708fe454382deef128139b006576882bd9",
            "version": 1,
            "lock_time": "0",
            "block": {
                "height": "192000",
                "block_hash": "b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432",
                "timestamp": "1575078576"
            "vin": [
                    "txid": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                    "vout": 0,
                    "sequence": "18446744073709551615",
                    "witness": []
            "vout": [
                    "value": "104",
                    "n": 0,
                    "script_public_key": {
                        "asm": "0 6dae90c56ddac07b5df818e035793c7114fd9545a986d442cc83466ef0a2b5fc",
                        "hex": "00206dae90c56ddac07b5df818e035793c7114fd9545a986d442cc83466ef0a2b5fc",
                        "req_sigs": 1,
                        "type": "witness_v0_scripthash",
                        "frozen_period": 0,
                        "reward_address": "",
                        "addresses": [
                    "value": "24",
                    "n": 1,
                    "script_public_key": {
                        "asm": "0 54fb35b5bd9ad0eecae51a679b0d364343cfa10f7d2d9e83b98c0e82f3a7c64c",
                        "hex": "002054fb35b5bd9ad0eecae51a679b0d364343cfa10f7d2d9e83b98c0e82f3a7c64c",
                        "req_sigs": 1,
                        "type": "witness_v0_scripthash",
                        "frozen_period": 0,
                        "reward_address": "",
                        "addresses": [
            "from_address": [],
            "to": [
                    "address": [
                    "value": "104"
                    "address": [
                    "value": "24"
            "inputs": [],
            "payload": "00ee02000000000001000000",
            "confirmations": "4204",
            "size": 152,
            "fee": "0",
            "status": 4,
            "type": 4
    "size": 1491,
    "time_utc": "2019-11-30T01:49:36Z",
    "tx_count": 1


GET /v1/blocks/hash/{height}

It is to get block hash by block height.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
height uint64 required block height
##### Returns
- Integer - height
##### Example
$ curl localhost:9686/v1/blocks/hash/192000
    "hash": "b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432"


GET /v1/blocks/height/{height}

It is to get block data by block height.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
height uint64 required block height
##### Returns
same as GetBlock.
- String - hash
- String - chain_id
- Integer - version
- Integer - height
- Integer - confirmations
- Integer - time
- String - previous_hash
- String - next_hash
- String - transaction_root
- String - witness_root
- String - proposal_root
- String - target
- String - quality
- String - challenge
- String - public_key
- Object - proof
- String - x
- String - x_prime
- Integer - bit_length
- Object - block_signature
- String - r
- String - s
- Array of String - ban_list
- Object - proposal_area
- Array of Object - punishment_area
- Integer - version
- Integer - proposal_type
- String - public_key
- Array of Object - testimony
- String - hash
- String - chain_id
- Integer - version
- Integer - height
- Integer - time
- String - previous_hash
- String - transaction_root
- String - witness_root
- String - proposal_root
- String - target
- String - challenge
- String - public_key
- Object - proof
- String - x
- String - x_prime
- Integer - bit_length
- Object - block_signature
- String - r
- String - s
- Array of String - ban_list
- Array of Object - other_area
- Integer - version
- Integer - proposal_type
- String - data
- Array of String - tx
- Array of object - raw_tx
- String - txid
- Integer - version
- Integer - lock_time
- Object - block
- Integer - height
- String - block_hash
- Integer - timestamp
- Array of Object - vin
- String - txid
- Integer - vout
- Integer - sequence
- Array of String - witness
- Array of Object - vout
- String - value
- Integer - n
- Object - script_public_key
- String - asm
- String - hex
- Integer - req_sigs
- String - type
- Integer - frozen_period
- String - reward_address
- Array of String - addresses
- Array of String - from_address
- Array of Object - to
- Array of String - address
- String - value
- Array of Object - inputs
- String - txid
- Integer - index
- Array of String - address
- String - value
- String - payload
- Integer - confirmations
- Integer - size
- String - fee
- Integer - status
- Integer - type
- Integer - size
- String - time_utc
- Integer - tx_count
##### Example
$ curl localhost:9686/v1/blocks/height/192000
    "hash": "b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432",
    "chain_id": "5433524b370b149007ba1d06225b5d8e53137a041869834cff5860b02bebc5c7",
    "version": "1",
    "height": "192000",
    "confirmations": "4276",
    "time": "1575078576",
    "previous_hash": "9a1b91850598b397c36be4cb34a99c183812ce05a8c3c6afdf244f654d738422",
    "next_hash": "772220d2dfca2d319f1699ded69a634458ca987c343f4ed8a73c1d05f74c6357",
    "transaction_root": "965f0c473adca41416436906a4af88708fe454382deef128139b006576882bd9",
    "witness_root": "965f0c473adca41416436906a4af88708fe454382deef128139b006576882bd9",
    "proposal_root": "9663440551fdcd6ada50b1fa1b0003d19bc7944955820b54ab569eb9a7ab7999",
    "target": "900151a5dfab34",
    "quality": "9ba22b427ac198",
    "challenge": "2b71e099dc30234bf86aefe06ba92cf91c6cc1c1557debd453017c5159fcaf08",
    "public_key": "023ae4379095eed46d30503384a8624ae7dc31cc361865b1ef6154e1fb6ceb284b",
    "proof": {
        "x": "79c8525f",
        "x_prime": "425d779f",
        "bit_length": 32
    "block_signature": {
        "r": "f1dec9ce034fde28906e07bc3539dad633c0347f69c6f19b85685db2ee31202c",
        "s": "68590736858f9df3318c112e3a59a896a9abd6a3f49387776bf826b2af1b62d1"
    "ban_list": [],
    "proposal_area": {
        "punishment_area": [],
        "other_area": []
    "tx": [],
    "raw_tx": [
            "txid": "965f0c473adca41416436906a4af88708fe454382deef128139b006576882bd9",
            "version": 1,
            "lock_time": "0",
            "block": {
                "height": "192000",
                "block_hash": "b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432",
                "timestamp": "1575078576"
            "vin": [
                    "txid": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                    "vout": 0,
                    "sequence": "18446744073709551615",
                    "witness": []
            "vout": [
                    "value": "104",
                    "n": 0,
                    "script_public_key": {
                        "asm": "0 6dae90c56ddac07b5df818e035793c7114fd9545a986d442cc83466ef0a2b5fc",
                        "hex": "00206dae90c56ddac07b5df818e035793c7114fd9545a986d442cc83466ef0a2b5fc",
                        "req_sigs": 1,
                        "type": "witness_v0_scripthash",
                        "frozen_period": 0,
                        "reward_address": "",
                        "addresses": [
                    "value": "24",
                    "n": 1,
                    "script_public_key": {
                        "asm": "0 54fb35b5bd9ad0eecae51a679b0d364343cfa10f7d2d9e83b98c0e82f3a7c64c",
                        "hex": "002054fb35b5bd9ad0eecae51a679b0d364343cfa10f7d2d9e83b98c0e82f3a7c64c",
                        "req_sigs": 1,
                        "type": "witness_v0_scripthash",
                        "frozen_period": 0,
                        "reward_address": "",
                        "addresses": [
            "from_address": [],
            "to": [
                    "address": [
                    "value": "104"
                    "address": [
                    "value": "24"
            "inputs": [],
            "payload": "00ee02000000000001000000",
            "confirmations": "4276",
            "size": 152,
            "fee": "0",
            "status": 4,
            "type": 4
    "size": 1491,
    "time_utc": "2019-11-30T01:49:36Z",
    "tx_count": 1


GET /v1/blocks/{hash}/header

It is to get block header by block hash.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
hash string required block hash
##### Returns
- String - hash
- String - chain_id
- Integer - version
- Integer - height
- Integer - confirmations
- Integer - time
- String - previous_hash
- String - next_hash
- String - transaction_root
- String - witness_root
- String - proposal_root
- String - target, hex string
- String - quality, decimal string
- String - challenge
- String - public_key
- Object - proof
- String - x
- String - x_prime
- Integer - bit_length
- Object - block_signature
- String - r
- String - s
- Array of String - ban_list
- String - time_utc
##### Example
$ curl localhost:9686/v1/blocks/b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432/header
    "hash": "b3d895147da4c896c72ef4d28d8750765da9bd5c2672c6d20dd4676300b2c432",
    "chain_id": "5433524b370b149007ba1d06225b5d8e53137a041869834cff5860b02bebc5c7",
    "version": "1",
    "height": "192000",
    "confirmations": "4276",
    "timestamp": "1575078576",
    "previous_hash": "9a1b91850598b397c36be4cb34a99c183812ce05a8c3c6afdf244f654d738422",
    "next_hash": "772220d2dfca2d319f1699ded69a634458ca987c343f4ed8a73c1d05f74c6357",
    "transaction_root": "965f0c473adca41416436906a4af88708fe454382deef128139b006576882bd9",
    "witness_root": "",
    "proposal_root": "9663440551fdcd6ada50b1fa1b0003d19bc7944955820b54ab569eb9a7ab7999",
    "target": "900151a5dfab34",
    "quality": "43806928072786328",
    "challenge": "2b71e099dc30234bf86aefe06ba92cf91c6cc1c1557debd453017c5159fcaf08",
    "public_key": "023ae4379095eed46d30503384a8624ae7dc31cc361865b1ef6154e1fb6ceb284b",
    "proof": {
        "x": "79c8525f",
        "x_prime": "425d779f",
        "bit_length": 32
    "block_signature": {
        "r": "f1dec9ce034fde28906e07bc3539dad633c0347f69c6f19b85685db2ee31202c",
        "s": "68590736858f9df3318c112e3a59a896a9abd6a3f49387776bf826b2af1b62d1"
    "ban_list": [],
    "time_utc": "2019-11-30T01:49:36Z"


GET /v1/transactions/pool

It is to get a brief summary of transaction pool.



  • Integer - tx_count
  • Integer - orphan_count
  • Integer - tx_plain_size
  • Integer - tx_packet_size
  • Integer - orphan_plain_size
  • Integer - orphan_packet_size
  • Array of String - txs, an array of txids
  • Array of String - orphans, an array of orphan txids
    "tx_count": 0,
    "orphan_count": 0,
    "tx_plain_size": "0",
    "tx_packet_size": "0",
    "orphan_plain_size": "0",
    "orphan_packet_size": "0",
    "txs": [],
    "orphans": []


POST /v1/spaces

It is to configure miner by required DiskSize.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
capacity int required overall mining disk size represented by MiB
payout_addresses []string required array of payout addresses
passphrase string required passphrase to unlock wallet same as what -P argument set
##### Returns
- Integer - space_count
- Array of Object, spaces
- Integer - ordinal
- String - public_key
- String - address
- Integer - bit_length
- String - state
- Float - progress
- Integer - error_code
- String - error_message
##### Example
    "capacity": 400,
    "payout_addresses": ["ms1qq7xrd32awhvaj9lkgn6tzm2n76gcu5zglxguzyu3kxrs9pz7tk32qvw70ky"],
    "passphrase": "123456"


    "space_count": 4,
    "spaces": [
            "ordinal": "0",
            "public_key": "02905d92f83d1519fa4f9b9e8bf2b91361438eeb7d74223c3f0371460e62cfa441",
            "address": "165xgckgUQym6wvmtn8adXnpsQcZhPJ2pV",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
            "ordinal": "1",
            "public_key": "0325f91597e68f0427300ad35b40dc91373b9c3264a745f25908cb5ceb12a96be4",
            "address": "1EjyGZLJnrHDkDT6A54XzsQNRoXsMLVSiM",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
            "ordinal": "2",
            "public_key": "03ae8e4eb760487b774e3a6125180ccc924c96b7feb54abb17dcc7d9c5db0ee58e",
            "address": "1CB2n7iMYUKyy6e49PykNtXXhyP4aFppvK",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
            "ordinal": "3",
            "public_key": "02854885799adb8953c588a0f170149e6b48d979c4d74486dcc446d91835a42c40",
            "address": "1CpD8DW8XX59tJwQr9Cyem7nDn7rTbfoSy",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


GET /v1/spaces

It is to get all configured miner spaces.



  • Integer - space_count
  • Array of Object, spaces
    • Integer - ordinal
    • String - public_key
    • String - address
    • Integer - bit_length
    • String - state
    • Float - progress
  • Integer - error_code
  • String - error_message
    "space_count": 4,
    "spaces": [
            "ordinal": "0",
            "public_key": "02905d92f83d1519fa4f9b9e8bf2b91361438eeb7d74223c3f0371460e62cfa441",
            "address": "165xgckgUQym6wvmtn8adXnpsQcZhPJ2pV",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
            "ordinal": "1",
            "public_key": "0325f91597e68f0427300ad35b40dc91373b9c3264a745f25908cb5ceb12a96be4",
            "address": "1EjyGZLJnrHDkDT6A54XzsQNRoXsMLVSiM",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
            "ordinal": "2",
            "public_key": "03ae8e4eb760487b774e3a6125180ccc924c96b7feb54abb17dcc7d9c5db0ee58e",
            "address": "1CB2n7iMYUKyy6e49PykNtXXhyP4aFppvK",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
            "ordinal": "3",
            "public_key": "02854885799adb8953c588a0f170149e6b48d979c4d74486dcc446d91835a42c40",
            "address": "1CpD8DW8XX59tJwQr9Cyem7nDn7rTbfoSy",
            "bit_length": 24,
            "state": "registered",
            "progress": 0
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


GET /v1/spaces/{space_id}

It is to get configured miner space by space_id.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
space_id string required Space ID, formatted as ("%s-%d", public_key, bit_length)
##### Returns
- Object, space
- Integer - ordinal
- String - public_key
- String - address
- Integer - bit_length
- String - state
- Float - progress
- Integer - error_code
- String - error_message
##### Example
$ curl localhost:9686/v1/spaces/02905d92f83d1519fa4f9b9e8bf2b91361438eeb7d74223c3f0371460e62cfa441-24
    "space": {
        "ordinal": "0",
        "public_key": "02905d92f83d1519fa4f9b9e8bf2b91361438eeb7d74223c3f0371460e62cfa441",
        "address": "165xgckgUQym6wvmtn8adXnpsQcZhPJ2pV",
        "bit_length": 24,
        "state": "registered",
        "progress": 0
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


POST /v1/spaces/plot

It is to plot all configured miner spaces.



  • Integer - error_code
  • String - error_message
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


POST /v1/spaces/{space_id}/plot

It is to plot configured miner space by space_id.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
space_id string required Space ID, formatted as ("%s-%d", public_key, bit_length)
##### Returns
- Integer - error_code
- String - error_message
##### Example
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


POST /v1/spaces/mine

It is to mine all configured miner spaces.



  • Integer - error_code
  • String - error_message
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


POST /v1/spaces/{space_id}/mine

It is to mine configured miner space by space_id.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
space_id string required Space ID, formatted as ("%s-%d", public_key, bit_length)
##### Returns
- Integer - error_code
- String - error_message
##### Example
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


POST /v1/spaces/stop

It is to stop all configured miner spaces.



  • Integer - error_code
  • String - error_message
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


POST /v1/spaces/{space_id}/stop

It is to stop configured miner space by space_id.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
space_id string required Space ID, formatted as ("%s-%d", public_key, bit_length)
##### Returns
- Integer - error_code
- String - error_message
##### Example
    "error_code": 200,
    "error_message": ""


GET /v1/wallets

It is to get all keystore in the wallet.



  • Array of object - wallets
    • String - wallet_id
    • String - remark
    "wallets": [
            "wallet_id": "ac108dg4my870c0t07u22y6kurkfwjvk2580lk98m0",
            "remark": ""


POST /v1/wallets/export

It is to export keystore.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
wallet_id string required wallet_id to be exported
passphrase string required passphrase
export_path string required file path of exported keystore
##### Returns
- String - keystore
##### Example
    "wallet_id": "ac108dg4my870c0t07u22y6kurkfwjvk2580lk98m0",
    "passphrase": "123456",
    "export_path": "."


    "keystore": "{\"remark\":\"\",\"crypto\":{\"cipher\":\"Stream cipher\",\"masterHDPrivKeyEnc\":\"2bc4592eb1e8b5e3aede665c310b3da4b8670e8315e717896b4ce35d26cef8c59a43e5b3de6dfde0f8aadbf77a2e2a87cb5948e622c7d4a198b60ef134f4d20675589753dcc1327a412f95ef111d08a2becb3d10dcbd31cc3eba6208b9cf98f3cffd3b38b1246c85230161e52de51587fa5c8ef066720e2e5bf7fd65c12eaff99494add5a334c8879924c50a6299ff22f51988eeb5c40b\",\"kdf\":\"scrypt\",\"pubParams\":\"8b6672e43801b807cc8e2b84e7451140f4a0ccefd95fd0517645a3fa46c1212941e809953ee35ad776bd5454011e55edb677d02b9226a002d288cde88b33a3f5000004000000000008000000000000000100000000000000\",\"privParams\":\"2db906258e0a0430d64dcd88cc9234cf56642dc0075ae2def430018b21962bf8fb5c380ce4a3d229f930776a1965a4a03448d46796afe9a5e1fe985f3d129df7000004000000000008000000000000000100000000000000\",\"cryptoKeyPubEnc\":\"bd59ebac79b1a20a8d666ccf734b86e928f2b48419db9409c0c17b9a9cdad39fc71eec5d03ef09536b224b60c322c9e8eb5f72452b379a502009cb9d6c1c4e0a4c67cbb0f7130582\",\"cryptoKeyPrivEnc\":\"b324172e95537af9406ce89a4ae439804bb90585027d18648f62bddd7d38600fdf41de5f6fcf74b1206ae173b4f3c2200c8bd385b472968bff931e2492e0cb5f27b651bac01e482c\"},\"hdPath\":{\"Purpose\":44,\"Coin\":297,\"Account\":0,\"ExternalChildNum\":4,\"InternalChildNum\":0}}"


POST /v1/wallets/import

It is to import keystore.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
import_path string required filepath of target keystore
old_passphrase string required old passphrase
new_passphrase string required new passphrase
##### Returns
- Boolean - status
- String - wallet_id
- String - remark
##### Example
    "import_path": "./keystore-ac108dg4my870c0t07u22y6kurkfwjvk2580lk98m0.json",
    "old_passphrase": "654321",
    "new_passphrase": "123456"


    "status": true,
    "wallet_id": "ac108dg4my870c0t07u22y6kurkfwjvk2580lk98m0",
    "remark": ""


POST /v1/wallets/unlocking

It is to unlock wallet.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
passphrase string required passphrase
##### Returns
- Boolean - success
- String - error
##### Example
    "passphrase": "123456"


    "success": true,
    "error": ""


POST /v1/wallets/locking

It is to lock wallet.



  • Boolean - success
  • String - error
    "success": true,
    "error": ""


POST /v1/wallets/privpass/changing

It is to change private pass of the wallet.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
old_privpass string required old private password
new_privpass string required new private password
##### Returns
- Boolean - success
##### Example
    "old_privpass": "123456",
    "new_privpass": "654321"


    "success": true


POST /v1/wallets/pubpass/changing

It is to change public pass of the wallet.

Parameter Type Attribute Usage Note
old_pubpass string required old pubpass
new_pubpass string required new pubpass
##### Returns
- Boolean - success
##### Example
    "old_pubpass": "pubPassword",
    "new_pubpass": "newPubPassword"
    "success": true

How to join the mining pool to mine